Flower Essences

Flower Essences


We all need some support from time to time with our energy and all that is connected to it. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually we could use some of that help. Flower Essences are gentle and a safe way to support yourself without worry of reacting to medications. They are made by using the flowering portion of the plant in water and then preserved with a substance like brandy, vinegar or glycerin. It is not the same as taking a tincture or elixir as this is only taking the energy from the flower of the plant.

How to use: Take 1 to 2 droppers full when needed internally either straight from the bottle or in a glass of water. If not wanting to take internally, then put 2 droppers into a bath and soak for at least 20 minutes or add 2 droppers to a spray water bottle and spray into the air. There is little to no smell, but the energy of the plant will help change the tone of the space.

Ingredients: Spring Water, Brandy and Flower infused spring water.


Ingredients: Spring Water, White Wine Vinegar and Flower Infused spring water. If they are made with white wine vinegar then it will be listed in the flower essence description. All others will be made with brandy.

Each bottle is 2oz with many varieties below. Please read for the best match for your needs. Flower essences can be used together, so mix and match till your heart is content.

Jerusalem Sage- Benefits us when there is a lack of enthusiasm and motivation to care for the home or conflict at home and/or work.

Black Sage- Eases Anxiety, quiets the mind so can relax while still being either productive or needing sleep, helps with meditation.

Lavender- Teaches balance in hard times and helps one calm enough to rest without feeling guilty. Works very well with White Jasmine for those who have a “go, go, go” personality.

California Poppy- Allows spiritual and psychic awakening and finding life balance, helps to speak to nature spirits, calms so one can hear what they need to hear.

Texas Mountain Laurel- Allows us to find clarity in chaos especially in new phases of life.

Natal Plum- Allows differences to melt away with no judgement and aids those who would like a deeper meaning of sex and/or intimacy.

White Jasmine- Allows us to rest and recharge without judgement, brings inner peace to life’s circumstances. Works well with Lavender for those that just can’t sit down and rest without feeling super guilty.

Purple Sage- Helps our minds become active with creativity, also helps protect you in whatever capacity that needs this.

Pink Geranium- Helps us feel happiness, joy and protection from negative energies, great for those who need healing in life’s circumstances.

Texas Sunflower- Great for stressful situations, balances male and female energies within. Made with white wine vinegar.

Crepe Myrtle- Corrects thyroid imbalance in any capacity, helps find your voice and emotions when they have been silenced or lost. Made with white wine vinegar.

Anxiety Blend- This blend helps calm many of the different facets of anxiety and use the flowers of Black Sage, Lavender, California Poppy, Texas Mountain Laurel and White Jasmine.

Purple Nightshade- Soothes and relieves irritation from trying too hard and/or spinning one’s wheels. Relieves emotional irritation from coffee.

Moonflower (Datura)- Perfect for energetic cleanse and/or when shadow work is necessary, helps bring light to dark areas in a calm manner so one can see the light at the end of the tunnel and process successfully.

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